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NEJE was created by Amber Lane, an English graduate from Exeter University. The term NEJE derives from Igbo Nigerian origin, and means to keep moving. Everything has to keep moving, and even though writing physically can't move, it's constantly moving us. NEJE is a lifestyle blog that originated from scribbles in small notebooks, to advanced writing in journals. I decided to take my writing to an online platform, after showcasing my work at a spoken word poetry event. 


Being in university for three years helped me craft my written voice, and NEJE is the platform to unleash it. I am based in London, and I aim to produce content that is reflective of the creative, albeit still in keeping with the current societal and political sphere. NEJE aims to promote and bring together creative talents to work on meaningful projects. Immerse yourself in literary content, and check out NEJE NOTES, NEJE WRITERS and my BLOG.

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